After 17 gruelling days, Matt Toms completed his epic #BosunBikesBritain challenge at Land's End, raising over £3,500 for charity in the process.

Beginning earlier in May at John O'Groats, Matt cycled the length and breadth of Britain stopping off at all 8 of Yacht Haven's UK marinas on the way. That included a visit to Fambridge Yacht Haven in Essex and a gruelling 4 day stretch to reach Neyland Yacht Haven in Pembrokeshire.

  • 1,578miles in total
  • 74,517 feet of incline (that's more than twice the height of Everest)
  • 8 Yacht Havens visited
  • 2 spells of heavy rain
  • 0 punctures
  • Over £3,500 for Oakhaven Hospice and Cancer Research UK

Summarising his challenge, Matt explains:

"Multiple members of my own family have won and lost battles with 'the big C' and it seems that everyone you speak to knows someone that has been affected by this disease. If there is anything we can do to try and come up with a cure for it then I think we should."

"As expected, there were some huge ups and downs. The hardest days were coming down through central England - although it was fairly falt, I rode consecutive days of 124 and 126 miles. Add this to a mechanical failure and growing achillies pain and nerve damage in my hands. Those days felt never-ending and took a huge toll on my morale."

"Then at the other end of the extreme was being lucky enough to cycle some picturesque canals, especially from Oban to Troon, as well as seeing some stunning, panoramic views along the Causeway. And of course the joy of arriving in Lymington at my halfway point."

"The final few miles into Land's End was very special. It was a surreal feeling approaching the end where the land flattens off and you have sea on both sides."

"A huge thank you to Dylan Kalis and everyone at Yacht Havens. I really wouldn't have been able to do it without the company's support. Also, to sponsors SAL Marine and Dave Crawford . To my family who probably enjoyed the time apart more than I did! And lastly, to everyone who sponsored me and supported me along the way. Some had more personal reasons to follow my challenge others and that kept me motivated and determined to see it through."

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