Today's weather in Plymouth
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Live webcam feed
Enjoy live views from around the Yacht Haven, with our webcams you can always see what conditions are like here in Plymouth.
A safe haven and a warm welcome
Whether you're looking to stay for the day, the night or the year, you're in safe hands at Plymouth. We pride ourselves on our customer service, and the safety of you, your crew and your boat.

Annual & Seasonal Berthing
Flexible contracts and attractive berthing solutions. Choose what works for you.

Visitor Berthing
Take a break from cruising and enjoy a relaxing stay and award-winning service.

Boatyard & Marine Services
Lifting and launching for boats up to 75 tons plus on-water fuel and many more services.

Plymouth Boat Fest
A festival of all things boating, held at Plymouth Yacht Haven on 21st June 2025.
Why choose Plymouth?
Friendly Team
Our knowledgeable, friendly and efficient team are on hand to help you 24/7
Great Access
The Yacht Haven is easily accessible by land and sea, at all states of the tide
Services & Facilities
Award-winning services and facilities, enhancing your shoreside and boatyard experience
Annual Savings
A range of savings and benefits for our new and current annual berth holders
We pride ourselves on our safety, with round-the-clock security and CCTV surveillance
Cruising discounts
Save while you cruise with complimentary stays at our marinas across the Yacht Havens Group plus reciprocal arrangements with other west country marinas.