Update Spring 2021

Following the Prime Minister’s recent roadmap out of the current lockdown for England, we now have a clearer idea of what we can expect over the coming months and how this allows us all to begin planning our time on the water.

We encourage all berth holders to keep an eye on the latest Government guidance here, and we are pleased to share a summary of the roadmap:

8th March – Step 1 – Stay at Home (or Stay Local for permitted activity) – Private boats can be used for sport or recreation by a single household (or support bubble), or with 1 other person where participants remain outside except to access toilets, for safety reasons or to navigate. Essential maintenance can be undertaken to ensure vessels are safe to use (seaworthy).

29th March – Step 1 – Minimise Travel – Boat owners are permitted to perform general boat maintenance and privately owned boats can be used by groups of up to 6 people or 2 households, where participants remain outside except to access toilets, for safety reasons or to navigate.

12th April – Step 2 – Minimise Travel – Overnight stays on boats will be permitted for single households (or support bubbles). The Haven Bar & Restaurant can reopen with an outdoor-only service and non-essential shops can reopen.

17th May – Step 3 – Minimise Travel – All privately owned boats can be used by groups of up to 6 people or 2 households both inside and outside, and overnight stays on boats will be permitted within the rule of 6 or 2 households. The Haven Bar & Restaurant can reopen their indoor social and dining areas.

No earlier than 21st June – Step 4 – The Government hopes to lift all restrictions on social contact.

For the full guidance, please see these guides from the RYA, British Marine and The Yacht Harbour Association.

You can read more about the lifting of restrictions and the specific steps and criteria for England to move on to the next step at gov.uk/coronavirus.

Boatyard Services / Dry Stack lifting
We’re sure that you’ll be keen to get out on the water as soon as the weather improves and lockdown is eased. If you have already booked a lift out or are expecting your boat to go back in during the coming weeks, this will go ahead as scheduled. Where possible, we kindly ask you do not attend your boat lift or launch until you can do so safely within current Government guidance; we are on hand to tow or arrange a delivery so that you can continue to receive the service while remaining at home.

We’re happy to remind you that if there’s any work you need doing in preparation for the season, one of our many reputable tenants or a local marine business of your choice should be able to help you – Take a look at the businesses listed on our online Marine Directory.

Thank you for your continued support through the most recent lockdown. We are all looking forward to a summer of boating, more so than ever after a winter of confinement.


Update 5th January 2021

England enters new national lockdown

Following the Government announcement last night, the country will once again enter full lockdown at midnight tonight and so the Government have asked us to Stay at Home and only to go out for the reasons set out in law. You can find out more on the Government website.

Whilst the Drystack and boatyard remain operational, we are following the advice of the Government and we kindly ask you to do the same by staying at home, only travelling for essential purposes, and to follow the rules of the lockdown.

As always, Haven Quay site is open 7 days a week, and the marina office will be open for winter hours from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there’s something specific you’d like us to check on your behalf; we are happy to inspect dehumidifiers, batteries, covers and alleviate any other concerns that you might have. Please contact us by phone on 01590 677072 or email havenquay@yachthavens.com with any requests. We are here to support you and take care of your boat during these restrictive times.

We wish you all a happy, but most importantly healthy, New Year, and thank you all again for your patience and loyalty. When it warms up a bit, we are very much looking forward to getting back out on the water and the great enjoyment we know that will bring us all.

Kind regards,

Matt & Andy
Haven Quay


Update 30th December

New Forest moves to Tier 4

The New Forest area in which Lymington falls will move to Tier 4 (Stay at Home) restrictions from 31 December 2020.

See full Tier 4 guidance on the gov.uk website 

Haven Quay remains open with extra safety measures in place, and the team are on hand to help during winter office hours from 9am to 5pm, 5 days a week. We encourage you to read the Tier 4 restrictions thoroughly and, where possible, follow Government guidance to stay at home and avoid all non-essential travel.

Tier 4: Stay at Home

Tier 4 has many of the same restrictions that were in place during Autumn's lockdown in England. This is a short summary of the most important restrictions now in place in Tier 4 areas and how they impact boating:

  • Residents in Tier 4 should stay at home to protect their families and communities. You must only leave home for exceptional reasons such as work or education. 
  • Residents in Tier 4 must not leave their Tier 4 area. Similarly, those living under other levels of restrictions should avoid travelling to a Tier 4 area unless for exceptional reasons.
  • You should not stay onboard your boat overnight unless it is your primary residence.
  • You can meet a maximum of one other person from outside your household or support bubble, but in a public outdoor space only.
  • You can read the full Tier 4 guidance on the gov.uk website .

If there's anything specific you'd like us to check on your behalf, please do not hesitate to call us on 01590 677072. As always, we're happy to follow up any checks with a phone call, email and photos of your boat.

We share your disappointment with stricter restrictions over the holiday period, but rest assured your boat remains safe in our care.

All of us at the Yacht Haven wish you and your families a very happy and healthy new year.

Update 23rd December

New Forest moves to Tier 3

From Boxing Day, the New Forest will be subject to Tier 3 measures under the Government’s COVID-19 restrictions.

As always, our Haven Team are on-hand 7 days a week to watch over your boat. If you are visiting the marina in the coming weeks, please take time to familiarize yourself with the latest government guidelines and how they apply to boating:

  • All forms of recreational boating are permitted within the legal limits for meeting others.
  • For those living in Tier 1-3 restrictions, you are allowed to socialise in groups of up to 6 people from different households, but only in outdoor settings.
  • You should avoid staying onboard overnight if possible.
  • If you live in a Tier 1 or Tier 2 area, you should minimise your travel and follow your local restrictions from your home Tier at all times.
  • If you live in a Tier 4 region, you should not leave your area except for exceptional circumstances.

Before deciding whether or not to visit your boat at Haven Quay Lymington, please take the time to read the full guidance from the RYA and to decide whether or not is it appropriate for you to travel.

The Haven Bar & Restaurant will be closed from Christmas Eve until further notice.

If you have a new cough, feel unwell or have lost your sense of taste or smell, please do not visit the Yacht Haven. Follow government advice to quarantine and seek a Covid-19 test.

Please remember to wear face coverings in all indoor areas around the Yacht Haven, and complete the NHS Track & Trace registrations found on-site.

Please continue to communicate with us remotely wherever possible by calling us on 01590 677072.

Update 1st December


Dear Berth Holders,

From Wednesday 2nd December, Lymington will be subject to Tier 2 measures under the Government's new COVID-19 restrictions.

As always, our Haven Team are on-hand to watch over your boat. If you are visiting the Quay in the coming weeks, please take time to familiarize yourself with the latest government guidelines and how they apply to boating:

  • All forms of recreational boating are permitted.
  • You are allowed to socialise in groups of up to 6 people from different households in outdoor settings.
  • You can stay onboard if it is with those in your household or support bubbles.
  • If you live in a Tier 3 area you must continue to abide by your local Tier 3 restrictions even when travelling to other areas and the advice is that you should not stay overnight somewhere outside of your local area.
  • Read the full guidance from the RYA

Please remember to wear face coverings in all indoor areas around the Haven Quay, and complete the NHS Track & Trace registrations found on-site.

We reassure you our helpful Haven Team are here to support you. Rest assured, your boat remains safe in our care.

Please continue to communicate with us remotely wherever possible by calling us on 01590 677072 or by email to havenquay@yachthavens.com.

Updated 2nd November


At this time Haven Quay remains open and we will continue with all our boatyard operations.

We are seeking further guidance on how the new restrictions will affect our dry stack operations and customers visiting their boats. This is unlikely to become clear until after legislation has been through Parliament this week.

If your boat is due to be lifted ashore into our boatyard over lockdown, we would encourage you to take the opportunity this week to carry out any preparations, such as removing headsails.

We will share further updates as soon as possible. But of course, in the meantime, if there’s anything you need us to check on your behalf, don’t hesitate to ask us. We're happy to follow up with a call and, if requested, photos.

The Haven Quay Team

Update 1st October

Dear Haven Quay customers,

With autumn upon us, getting out on the water on those calm, cooler days feels even more special. If you are visiting Haven Quay, there are several new laws that have come into effect that you should be aware of.

Firstly, we remain on-site 7 days a week for lifting and launching until 1st November when we move to our winter hours. If you're unable to visit your boat and you'd like us to check something specific on your behalf, we'd be happy to do so. We can even follow up with a phone call or photos if you would like. Just call our Office on 01590 677072.

Track & Trace:

All visitors to the Office must complete a Track & Trace registration. This can be completed in two easy ways:

  1. Download the NHS COVID-19 Contact Tracing App and scan the unique QR code to 'check in' which we are displaying at the Office.
  2. Complete a handwritten form at the Office. Data that we collect will be stored securely for a minimum of 21 days and shared with NHS Track & Trace if requested.

Face coverings:

All visitors must now wear a face mask/covering when using any indoor facility at Haven Quay including the washrooms and when visiting the Office.

Social Distancing:

We must all continue to comply with social distancing restrictions as well as measure specific to boating:

  • We are operating a one-in, one-out policy at the Office to maintain safe distancing
  • Only go boating with a maximum of 6 persons, unless in exceptions as explained in this RYA guidance published on 10th September
  • If you have a new cough, feel unwell or have lost your sense of taste or smell, please do not visit Haven Quay. Follow government advice and seek a COVID-19 test.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly, use our hand sanitizer stations on-site and maintain high levels of hygiene at all times.

We remain hopeful of a long Indian Summer and plenty more days on the water, and we wish you and your loved ones good health in the weeks to come.

Kind regards,

The Haven Quay Team

Update 14th September

In light of the Prime Minister’s announcement on 9th September, there are new rules regarding social interactions that impact boating and berth holders visiting their boats.

Social gatherings of more than six people are not allowed in law. The new rule applies to indoor and outdoor settings. One exception to this ‘rule of 6’ is if your household contains more than 6 people.

Organised team sports are exempt from this ‘rule of 6’. The RYA’s guidance, published on 10th September, states that club on-water activities constitute as an organized team sport and, thus, the ‘rule of 6’ does not apply.

We are seeking guidance on how this ‘rule of 6’ applies to general leisure boating.

If you have a new cough, feel unwell or have lost your sense of taste or smell, please do not visit the Yacht Haven. Follow government advice to quarantine and seek a Covid-19 test.

We must all take responsibility to help stop the spread of Covid-19 by following these rules. Please wash your hands thoroughly, use our hand santizer stations on-site, uphold social distancing with others and maintain high levels of hygiene at all times.

Boating still remains firmly on the agenda and, following the shortened season, we share your desire to make the most of boating while the weather is mild, while hoping for a long Indian Summer.

Updated 15th May 2020

In addition to our 'Safe Boating with Yacht Havens' advice published on 13th May (which you read below on this blog), we're pleased to provide further guidance to berth holders to help you visit the Yacht Haven and go boating with confidence.

Download our guidance

Welcome Back to Boating - Updated 13th May 2020

I would like to sincerely thank you all for adhering to government advice since the start of the lockdown, being patient and only visiting your boats for essential safety and security purposes.

We're really pleased to be able to inform you that our dry stack service and boat lifting operations have now resumed.

Following further clarification from the government and port authorities, you will be able to once again enjoy your boats on the wonderful Western Solent and beyond. All forms of water sports practices on open waterways, including sailing and the use of privately owned motorized craft are now allowed.

Of course we understand your enthusiasm for being back on the water again, but please give every consideration to our Haven Team, your fellow berth holders and yourselves.

We all appreciate how important it is for us all to stop the spread of Covid-19 and following a few simple suggestions will improve your safety and the safety of others and help everyone enjoy boating responsibly.


  • Please only enter the office if absolutely necessary and respect the social distancing measures when in contact with any member of staff.
  • Please do not gather on/around the pontoon; simply use them for embarking and disembarking. If you need to do any cleaning or 'tinkering' on your boat, please let us know and we'll put it on a rack for you.

Just being back out on the water is going to be a great relief to many of us and a perfect tonic for this period of lockdown, but we must all play within the rules and have thoughts for the frontline workers who are still battling this virus.

Please continue to stay alert and follow all the advice from the government and from our Haven Team.

We look forward to welcoming you back.

Updated 10th May 2020

This new blog has been setup to provide up-to-date, relevent information for Lymington Yacht Haven and Haven Quay dry stack. For information from our other locations, or for information prior to 11th May 2020, please visit www.yachthavens.com/covid19.

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