Use the contact details below to get in touch with your requests, questions or comments about our marina, boatyard and other services. The marina is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round for your convenience.

Get in touch

Largs Yacht Haven
Irvine Road
KA30 8EZ

01475 675333
VHF Channel 80. Call sign 'Largs Yacht Haven'.

Please tell us how we can help

What happens next?

We’ll take care to process and protect your data in accordance with our Privacy Notice. We'll get back to you regarding your berthing enquiry. If you’ve subscribed to Yacht Havens news, you’ll start to receive our quarterly newsletters by email and you can unsubscribe at any time via a link in every email we send you.

Largs Yacht Entering The Marina LRW14 D2shore Pfm1043

Arriving by sea?

The marina is accessible at all states of the tide and free of hazards.

Largs Courtyard Marine Business 2

Arriving by road?

Largs is well connected by road and less than an hour from Glasgow.

LARGS Marina Map_image

Marina Map

Whether you're berthing for the first time, or you need a reminder of where everything is located, download a copy of our marina map to help guide you around the site.