It gives us enormous pleasure to support the 'Ocean Literacy' project offered by The Island Trust.

This course is offered by The Island Trust, drawing on the experience of its Ocean Discoverability and Ocean Literacy voyages. Aimed at Sail Trainers, it will help instructors understand the importance of the ocean, how it works, what it does for us, what we do to it and how we can do better. Practical sessions will show you how sail trainers can engage with crews with the ocean and contribute to our understanding and stewardship of it.

Spearheaded by John Hepburn of The Island Trust, John explains how this pilot course came to fruition: "Sail Training is particularly well suited to fostering it as many of the identified barriers to it are just not present, and The Island Trust is taking advantage of that with the Ocean Discoverability project and scheduling a dedicated Ocean Literacy voyage." After obsvering very few other sail training organisations following suit, John developed a two day course for Sail Trainers to "give them the practical help to incorporate into their programmes."

The course takes place in Plymouth on 12th and 13th December 2019. Plymouth Yacht Haven is proud to have provided financial support to make this course viable.

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