Update 15th December
Seasons greetings to all
We continue to work hard at the marina to provide a relaxed and most importantly safe environment for you to unwind and enjoy, and we continue to adapt to the new regulations as best we can.
In response to the Government’s new rules to manage the spread of Covid and the Omicron variant, may we remind you that wearing face masks in communal areas and when visiting the marina reception remains in place.
All of our previous Covid precautions remain in place including:
- Provision of hand sanitising stations and Perspex screens in our offices.
- Continuing with our thorough toilet, shower, laundry and office cleaning regimes as well as interim wipe downs of frequently touched surfaces.
- You may notice additional specific measures in place to continue to help prevent the spread of the virus; if so, please do co-operate with staff.
The safety and well-being of our berth holders, visitors and the team at Troon Yacht Haven remain our utmost priority so please be considerate and aware of other berth holders and the team's requirement to stay safe.
We continue to ask that if you have tested positive you do not visit your boat or use the marina as a location to ‘self isolate’, we can carry out any required boat checks on your behalf.
We very much look forward to seeing everyone over the festive season and thank you all for working with us through 2021 to navigate our way through the ever changing regulations.
Update 6th August
From Monday 9th August, Scotland's rules around Covid will relax and we will return to the normal we have all been waiting for.
We have worked hard at the Yacht Haven to provide a relaxed and, most importantly, safe environment for you to unwind and enjoy, and we will continue to adapt to the new regulations as best we can.
The safety and well-being of our berth holders, visitors and the team at Troon Yacht Haven is our utmost priority and as restrictions relax we need to continue keeping you and our team safe. The new guidance is encouraging people to take back their liberties gradually and people will ease out of lockdown at different paces, so please be considerate and aware of other berth holders and the team's requirement to stay safe.
Face coverings will still be required in many places including shops and public transport. We strongly encourage you to use them around the Yacht Haven out of respect of other berth holders and our staff. We will continue to encourage communications by remote channels rather than visiting the office where possible, and we will keep screens at our reception.
Hand sanitiser stations will still be available at each bridgehead, and you'll still be required to provide your contact details when visiting eateries. We ask that if you have tested positive or someone you have been in close contact with has tested positive in the last 10 days you do not visit your boat or use the marina as a location to ‘self isolate’, we can carry out any required boat checks on your behalf.
Seeing everyone use their boats this summer is bringing us more enjoyment than ever, and we must thank you all for working with us to navigate our way through the constantly changing regulations.
The sun is out and the Firth of Clyde is looking stunning at the moment, we look forward to seeing you all out on the water.
Update 21st April
Further restrictions are due to be eased on Monday 26th April. They include:
- All shops can reopen and indoor attractions and public buildings, such as galleries, museums and libraries.
- Hospitality venues, including Scotts, can open until 8pm indoors (without alcohol) and 10pm outdoors where alcohol can be consumed (subject to local licensing).
- Six people can meet indoors - but only from two households.
- Staying onboard your boat (as well as other forms of self-contained accommodation such as The Salt Lodge) is permitted but only with members of your own household.
- Travel restrictions will be lifted between Scotland, England and Wales and restrictions have also been removed on travel to and from Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
If you are visiting the Yacht Haven, please continue to observe social distancing and wear face coverings while using the facilities.
Our Marina Office is open, albeit behind screens. However, if you can communicate by phone or e-mail please do so rather than visiting the reception in person. It’s not the way we want to operate, but it helps everyone stay safe, and conversations through masks aren’t easy.
Further restrictions are due to be eased from 17th May at the earliest.
Update 14th April
The First Minister has updated the timeline for further relaxation of lockdown measures. Here are the details of the upcoming changes, along with the forecasted dates for when more rules will be relaxed.
From 16th April
- Travel within all of mainland Scotland is permitted
- Outdoor socialising with up to six people from three households.
From 26th April at the earliest
- Staying onboard your boat (as well as other forms of self-contained accommodation) is permitted.
- The Salt Lodge will reopen for guests.
- Outdoor socialising with up to six people from three households.
- Outdoor hospitality can reopen until 10pm following the limits on groups.
- Indoor hospitality can reopen until 8pm but no alcohol can be served, with groups limited to four people from no more than two households.
- Scotts at Troon plan to open on 26th April within this new framework.
From 17th May at the earliest
- Indoor socialising can resume for up to four people from two households.
- The limits on the hospitality industry are widened allowing venues to serve alcohol indoors, and stay open to 10.30pm indoors and 10pm outdoors.
Update 19th March
Following the First Minister's recent roadmap out of lockdown for Scotland, we can now begin to plan our time on the water and take steps to get our boats ready for the season ahead.
We encourage all berth holders to keep an eye on the latest Government guidance here, but we are pleased to share a summary of the latest information...
From 5th April - Stay Local
All forms of leisure boating can resume but residents must stay local to their home. The Scottish Government refer to staying 'local' as staying within your local authority area. Furthermore:
- Our marina chandlery will reopen selling hardware items, with a 'call & collect' service on other our goods.
- At this time, staying onboard your boat is not permitted.
From 26th April at the earliest
- Travel within all of mainland Scotland is permitted.
- Staying onboard your boat (as well as other forms of self-contained accommodation) is permitted.
- The Salt Lodge will reopen for guests.
- Outdoor socialising with up to six people from three households.
- Outdoor hospitality can reopen until 10pm following the limits on groups.
- Indoor hospitality can reopen until 8pm but no alcohol can be served, with groups limited to four people from no more than two households.
- Scotts at Troon plan to open on 26th April within this new framework.
From 17th May at the earliest
- Indoor socialising can resume for up to four people from two households.
- The limits on the hospitality industry are widened allowing venues to serve alcohol indoors, and stay open to 10.30pm indoors and 10pm outdoors.
Boatyard Services
We’re sure that you’ll be keen to get out on the water as soon as restrictions are eased. If you have already booked a lift out or are expecting your boat to go back in during the coming weeks, this will go ahead as scheduled. If you're unable to attend your lift/launch, our team are on hand to tow your boat back to berth.
We’re happy to remind you that if there’s any work you need doing in preparation for the season, one of our many reputable tenants or a local marine business of your choice should be able to help you – take a look at the businesses listed on our online Marine Directory.
Update 4th January 2021
Scotland enters new national lockdown
From Tuesday 5th January, Scotland will enter a full lockdown due to the increasing spread of the Coronavirus.
At this time of national emergency, we strongly urge you to follow the strict rules of the lockdown to protect our families and communities, as well as ensuring the NHS has the capacity to provide treatment to those who require it. We are following the advice of the Scottish government and we kindly ask our berth holders to do the same by staying at home and only travelling for essential purposes.
As always, our Haven Team are on-site 24 hours a day to watch over your boat and help in any way we can. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there’s something specific you’d like us to check on your boat on your behalf.
Please contact us by phone on 01292 315553 or email troon@yachthavens.com. For extra peace of mind, we can even send you a picture of your boat although you might like to look at our new marina webcams. We are here to support you and take care of your boat during these unprecedented times.
You can read the specific restrictions regarding the new lockdown at the gov.scot website. At the moment, this lockdown is expected to last until 1st February when Scotland will revert to the level 1-4 system which has been in place since late-2020.
We have no doubt that, in time, we will all be enjoying our boating again and we look forward to an enjoyable 2021 season on the water.
Stephen Bennie
Marina Director
Update 21st December
Entering Tier 4
From Boxing Day, the entire mainland Scotland will be placed into the country’s highest level of COVID-19 restrictions which will last for a minimum of three weeks.
As always, our Haven Team are on-site to watch over your boat and help in any way we can. We urge berth holders to read the Tier 4 restrictions thoroughly and, where possible, follow Government guidance to stay at home and avoid all non-essential travel.
Tier 4: Stay at Home
This is a short summary of the most important restrictions now in place in Scotland:
- Residents in Tier 4 should stay at home to protect their families and communities. You must only leave home for exceptional reasons such as work or education.
- Those living under other levels of restrictions in England should avoid travelling to Scotland unless for exceptional reasons.
- Scotts and The Salt Lodge will be closed from Christmas Day until further notice.
- You should not stay onboard your boat overnight unless it is your primary residence.
- You can meet a maximum of 1 other person from outside your household or support bubble, but in a public outdoor space only.
- Although boating is currently permitted for individual exercise, boat maintenance is not a form of exercise and we strongly urge customers to follow the strict restrictions in place to protect the local community, our staff and your families.
You can read the full Tier 4 guidance on the gov.scot website.
Should there be any further updates, we will update our website and Facebook page.
Within the Yacht Haven, boat lifting will continue under a reduced capacity in order to let our staff undertake increased boat checks on the moorings and around the site. If there's anything specific you'd like us to check on your behalf, please do not hesitate to call us on 01292 315553. As always, we're happy to follow up any checks with a phone call, email and photos of your boat.
All of us at the Yacht Haven wish you and your families a very happy Christmas. And here's to a positive 2021.
Stephen Bennie & the Haven Team
Update 11th December
South Ayrshire moves into Level 3
From Friday 11th December, South Ayrshire has been moved from level 4 to level 3 within Scotland's COVID-19 alert levels. This means that some restrictions have eased many local services to resume, and with new guidance to boat owners based at Troon Yacht Haven.
Our Haven Team will remain on-site 24/7
Marina business will continue as usual, operating with extra safety measures in place. We will be on-site 24 hours a day to provide any additional checks on your boat that you might need during this period. We’re happy to follow up any checks with a phone call, email or photos for complete peace of mind.
Boatyard Operations
Our boatyard operations can continue as normal, Monday to Friday. If your boat is due to be lifted in the next three weeks, please advise us if you are ready for lifting with any headsails removed, as required.
Non-essential shops and hospitality
Scotts Troon will reopen from Saturday 12th December. Scotts will be permitted to open until 6pm to serve food and non-alcoholic drinks to groups of up to six people from two households.
The Salt Lodge is open for guests depending on where visitors are travelling from. Contact The Salt Lodge team for bookings and further details. saltlodgehotel.com
Our marina chandlery is open once again. We advise customers to, where possible, call ahead to take payment so you can collect your parcel quickly and safely on arrival. However, you are very welcome to browse the chandlery providing you wear a face covering and adhere to social distancing guidelines.
Going boating for exercise
We strongly urge you to read the guidelines set out by Sport Scotland (page 5), updated 2 November, and decide whether it is appropriate for you to take to the water.
Staying Onboard Overnight
No indoor socialising is permitted and this will include socialising below deck. However, under Tier 3 restrictions you are permitted to stay onboard overnight.
Please continue to communicate with us remotely by calling us on 01292 315553 or by emailing troon@yachthavens.com.
Update 20th November
COVID-19 Update: New Measures for South Ayrshire start 6pm, Friday 20 November
Following the Scottish Government’s announcement that 11 local authority areas across central and western Scotland, including South Ayshire, will enter the highest level Tier 4 restrictions for the next three weeks, we must all concentrate our efforts to protect our families, friends and communities and to minimise pressure on frontline services.
As South Ayrshire moves to Tier 4 restrictions from 6pm on Friday 20 November until 11 December, we will be following the advice from the Scottish Government, Sport Scotland and RYA Scotland, and we urge all our customers to do the same.
Please check the most up-to-date guidance and associated restrictions for travel within your local area on the Scottish Government webpage.
Our Haven Team will remain on-site 24/7
Marina business will continue as usual, operating with extra safety measures in place. We will be on-site 24 hours a day to provide any additional checks on your boat that you might need during this period. We’re happy to follow up any checks with a phone call, email or photos for complete peace of mind.
Boatyard Operations
Our boatyard operations can continue as normal, Monday to Friday. If your boat is due to be lifted in the next three weeks, please advise us if you are ready for lifting with any headsails removed, as required.
Non-essential shops and hospitality
Unfortunately, Scotts Troon and the Salt Lodge Hotel have to close for the period until 11 December.
The chandlery will be closed for browsing, but if you need something urgently please call ahead and if we have what you need in stock, we can take payment over the phone, and arrange for you to collect your items outside.
Going boating for exercise
We strongly urge you to read the guidelines set out by Sport Scotland, updated 2 November, and decide whether it is appropriate for you to take to the water. But we remind you that travel is restricted in or out of Level 4 areas for the purposes of exercise or maintenance.
Staying Onboard Overnight
No indoor socialising is permitted and this will include socialising below deck. Overnight will not be permitted, unless it is your home residence. Please do not use the marina as a place to self-isolate as this puts others at risk. Please follow the guidance and stay at home.
The new restrictions will come into force at 6pm on Friday 20 November for three weeks until 11 December. Rest assured, for the period, the Haven Team will remain on-site day and night maintaining security and taking care of your boats.
Please continue to communicate with us remotely by calling us on 01292 315553 or by emailing troon@yachthavens.com.
In the meantime, keep safe and we will see you soon.
Stephen Bennie,
Marina Director
Update 30th October
On 2nd November, Scotts Restaurant will be reopening. Scotts @ Largs and Scotts @ Troon will be open daily until 6pm with bookings available until 4:30pm and walk in's will of course be welcome! They are not permitted to sell alcohol & can only allow a maximum of 6 guests over the age of 12 from no more than two households per table.
Update 9th October
The Scottish Government have issued new measures that effect eateries across the central belt of Scotland, including Troon.
Effective from 5pm on 9th October, Scotts Bar & Restaurant will be closed until Sunday 25th October at the earliest.
Update 24th September
With autumn upon us, getting out on the water on those calm, cooler days feels even more special. If you are therefore visiting the Yacht Haven in the near future, there is new law that has come into effect that you need to be aware of.
Effective immediately, all visitors must now wear a face covering when using any indoor facility at the Yacht Haven including the washrooms, laundry and when visiting the Marina Office. For the protection of our staff and customers, this law also applies to all Yacht Haven staff.
Please remember, if you would like us to check anything on your boat then do not hesitate to ask us, we can follow up all checks with a phone call and photos, if requested.
We remain hopeful of a long Indian Summer and plenty more days on the water, and we wish you and your loved ones good health in the weeks to come.
Stephen Bennie,
Marina Director
Update 14th September
In light of the Scottish Parliaments’ announcement on 9th September, there are new rules regarding social interactions that impact boating and berth holders visiting their boats.
Social gatherings of more than six people, from a maximum of two houses, are not allowed in law. The new rule applies to indoor and outdoor settings. One exception to this ‘rule of 6’ is if your household contains more than 6 people. Children under 12 do not count in the tally of 6.
Organised team sports are exempt from this ‘rule of 6’. The RYA’s guidance, published on 10th September, states that club on-water activities constitute as an organized team sport and, thus, the ‘rule of 6’ does not apply.
We are seeking guidance on how this ‘rule of 6’ applies to general leisure boating.
If you have a new cough, feel unwell or have lost your sense of taste or smell, please do not visit the Yacht Haven. Follow government advice to quarantine and seek a Covid-19 test.
We must all take responsibility to help stop the spread of Covid-19 by following these rules. Please wash your hands thoroughly, use our hand santizer stations on-site, uphold social distancing with others and maintain high levels of hygiene at all times.
Boating still remains firmly on the agenda and, following the shortened season, we share your desire to make the most of boating while the weather is mild, while hoping for a long Indian Summer.
Updated 15th July 2020
I’m delighted to welcome you back to Troon Yacht Haven, following the further relaxation of restrictions which now allow us to welcome visitors back to the marina as well as overnight stays from 15th July.
Our priority is keeping you, our berth holders and our team safe when you are staying with us, so we’ve been working hard to ensure we have comprehensive safety and cleaning measures in place, which you’ll notice when you visit.
Our diary is OPEN and, with a high demand for berths in the coming weeks, please book visitor berth before you visit.
Before you arrive, please take a look at our Safe Boating Poster and Safe Boating guidelines and ensure you follow our few simple suggestions to improve your safety and the safety of others, and help everyone enjoy boating responsibly.
Marine tourism groups across Scotland have asked everyone taking to the water to have full consideration and respect for the island and coastal destinations they plan to visit.
Many of these island and coastal communities have been in isolation for many months and, as a result, boaters should be very considerate to the destination's residents, amenities and shops.

We're Good To Go!
Updated 3rd July
From today, we are pleased to begin welcoming all berth holders back to Troon Yacht Haven to enjoy your boats and staying onboard overnight. Restrictions on travel have been eased allowing residents from all parts of the UK to enjoy their boats berthed at Troon Yacht Haven.
We've received certification from Visit Britain that we're 'Good To Go' as a business after demonstrating all the steps we've taken to protect our staff, on-site businesses and customers from COVID-19.
From 15th July, we will be able to welcome visiting yachts.
Updated 24th June 2020
Today, the Scottish Government announced further plans to ease many of the current lockdown measures.
From Friday 3rd July, travel restrictions will be removed allowing all berth holders to come to the marina and go boating, regardless of where they live.
Furthermore, from Friday 3rd July you will be able to stay in self-contained accommodation which, as far as we understand, includes staying overnight on your boat in the Yacht Haven.
You can read more about the new easing measures and plans for Phase 3 on the Scottish Government website.
The present restrictions remain in place until next week.
The prospect of getting out on the water and spending a night afloat with our friends and family is of huge relief following months of patience. We must all continue to play within the rules, remembering that Scotland's social distancing guidelines will remain at 2m. Nonetheless, we hope boating will bring you plenty of joy and relief as we enter the summer.
Stephen Bennie,
Marina Director
Welcome Back To Boating - 28th May 2020
I would like to sincerely thank you all for adhering to government advice since the start of the lockdown.
Following clarification from the Scottish government that we are moving to Phase 1 of the easing of lockdown restrictions, I am very pleased to confirm that many of you will once again be able to enjoy your boats on the wonderful Firth of Clyde and beyond. All forms of water sports practiced on open waterways, including sailing and the use of privately owned motorised craft, are now allowed, however this will apply to local residents only.
There remain many restrictions within the Phase 1 framework. You can read the full guidelines here, but we'd like to draw your attention to these important facts relative to boating and visiting your boat:
- You are currently advised to stay local to your primary residence to undertake leisure activities.
- Leisure activities must only take place with members from your immediate household.
- You cannot stay overnight at a holiday home or second home, which we are taking will apply to boats also. For now, boating is therefore limited to day trips from the marina.
- All social distancing measures remain in place.
Our Marina Reception is closed to the public but we are on duty 24 hours a day so please call us on 01292 315553 should you require any assistance. The washroom facilities, laundry room and Berth Holder lounge are now open.
We appreciate how important it is for us all to stop the spread of COVID-19 and following a few simple suggestions will improve your safety and the safety of others and help everyone enjoy boating responsibly.
Furthermore, we have introduced an extensive range of precautionary measures around the marina to protect you, your fellow boaters and our Haven Staff. You can read our comprehensive measures here.
Our boat lifting operations will resume on Monday 1st June and we are working hard through the backlog of boats that were due to be launched/lifted last month. If you'd like to arrange a lift out or launch off, please call us on 01292 315553 or email troon@yachthavens.com.
Despite moving to Phase 1, we must all continue to play within the rules and have thoughts for the frontline workers who continue to battle this virus.
Please continue to stay alert and follow all the advice from the government and from our Haven Team on-site.
Looking forward to welcoming you back to your Yacht Haven.
Stephen Bennie
Director, Troon Yacht Haven